Hi Y'all - Dana here from the Lone Star state. I am a wife, mother, and sister who seems to always have a project in the works. I LOVE projects! My significant others, not so much... but they lovingly tolerate me and my works in progress. In addition to being a passionate home enthusiast and crafter (and now blogger), I wear many hats in my everyday life - pediatric therapist, taxi driver, cheerleader, dog walker and homework checker - just to name a few! In spite of our busy life, I somehow find time to embrace my love of creative projects and hope to share a few with you here. I often recruit a helping hand from my sister (and partner in crime) for myriad projects from cake decorating to party planning to furniture redos to organizing. Gotta love that label maker!! I also like the idea of renewing your space by reusing forgotten items or repurposing found items in a new way to feather your uniquely nested home. Decorative items or projects that you have a hand in creating (or embellishing) make them special and unique just to you. Happy nesting!
The boys with their "sister", Bella
Our family

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